This is a real live human player.

Attacking a player takes four turns
Level: 34
Kills: 22
Weapon: Katana
Clan: The Amigo Fight Club!
Turf: Chicago
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Queso looks pretty brave
Queso knows kung fu
Kill Log
Alias: Claus Con Queso
Quote:this is what i do to zombies: http://www.youtube.com/watch@v=x0yucFw3qCQ&feature=related
Least Favorite Words:Jaguar Shark
Location:The Deep Blue Pee
I believe:in a thing called love.
Favorite Move:Jackhammer thrust.
Player ID: 15696
Last Login: 2010-07-27
Flags captured:
Seventh player to level (8)
Sixth player to level (9)
Third player to level (10)
Fifth player to level (11)
Fourth player to level (12)
Fourth player to level (13)
Ninth player to level (14)
Eighth player to level (15)
Sixth player to level (16)
Sixth player to level (17)
Fifth player to level (18)
Fifth player to level (19)
Sixth player to level (20)
Sixth player to level (21)
Seventh player to level (22)
Seventh player to level (23)

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