This is a real live human player.

Attacking a player takes four turns
Level: 43
Kills: 22
Weapon: Cattle Prod
Turf: Multiverse
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Roadhouse knows kung fu
Kill Log
Alias: The Human Target!
Quote:"Never laugh at a live dragon!"
Least Favorite Words:Ellen Degeneres.
Location:At a mall near you. Come and TRY getting inside!
I believe:....all things must hide from the hurricane.
Style:Silent and swift.
Favorite Move:One Selection Shock Attack!
Last Login: 2010-04-29
Flags captured:
Seventh player to level (14)
Eighth player to level (15)
Fifth player to level (16)
Fifth player to level (17)
Sixth player to level (18)
Eighth player to level (19)
Seventh player to level (20)
Seventh player to level (21)
Fourth player to level (22)
Second player to level (23)
Second player to level (24)
Fifth player to level (25)
Fourth player to level (26)
Fifth player to level (27)
Fourth player to level (28)
Second player to level (29)
Ninth player to level (30)
Seventh player to level (31)
Fifth player to level (32)
Ninth player to level (34)
Seventh player to level (35)
Ninth player to level (37)
Ninth player to level (40)
Ninth player to level (41)
Ninth player to level (42)
Ninth player to level (43)

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