This is a real live human player.
pippi is a proud supporter of Brain Chef.
Attacking a player takes four turns
Level: 41
Kills: 63
Weapon: Katana
Clan: The Amigo Fight Club!
Turf: Chicago
Back to the streets
Kill Log
I believe:if you're getting angry about things written on the Internet, you're using it wrong.
Favorite Move:Counter-riposte
Last Login: 2010-02-28
Flags captured:
Fifth player to level (7)
Second player to level (8)
Thanks for the bandwidth
Sixth player to level (9)
Fourth player to level (10)
Sixth player to level (11)
Fifth player to level (12)
Fourth player to level (13)
Third player to level (14)
Fourth player to level (15)
Fifth player to level (16)
Bombardier (7)
Sixth player to level (17)
Fifth player to level (18)
Fourth player to level (19)
Fourth player to level (20)
Third player to level (21)
Third player to level (22)
Second player to level (23)
Second player to level (24)
Fourth player to level (25)
Fourth player to level (26)
Sixth player to level (27)
Ninth player to level (28)
Ninth player to level (29)
Ninth player to level (31)
Hunters Without Borders
Ninth player to level (32)
Bombardier (6)
Ninth player to level (33)
Ninth player to level (34)
Seventh player to level (37)
Eighth player to level (38)
Eighth player to level (39)
Seventh player to level (40)
Fifth player to level (41)

#6 Ninja killer (15)

#4 British Invasion Zombie killer (1)

#5 Created Zombie killer (1)

#8 Chocodile Hunter killer (13)

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