This is a real live zombie player.

Attacking a player takes four turns
Level: 16
Kills: 2
Weapon: Swingline Stapler
Clan: Cigarette Porn
Turf: Multiverse
Back to the streets
Kaegro looks pretty sneaky
Kill Log
Quote:"become like us, and you won't have to worry about temperature. Be like yourself and you'll have to keep your dick warm constantly."
Least Favorite Words:shotgun shells.
I believe:That the "zombie apocolypse" is just the birth of a immortal race that will one day take over the world and everything it holds. nothing more. >:) Becoming a zombie is the greatest offer mankind had to offer. what are you waiting for@ Fuckin' Die!
Style:Zombie style
Favorite Move:Bite your neck off.
Last Login: 2009-12-29