This is a real live zombie player.

Attacking a player takes four turns
Level: 32
Kills: 8
Weapon: Chainsaw +2
Clan: The Former Farmers of America
Turf: Chicago
Nanook looks pretty brawny
Kill Log

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Alias: Slardibadfast
Quote:If it weren't for Gilligan they would have gotten off the island years ago.
Least Favorite Words:no, wrong hole fool, again@
I believe:Mlle is an orange wizard
Style:Killem all let someonelse sort em out
Favorite Move:Shocker

Last Login: 


#7 Screamer killer (4)

#2 Unaware killer (45)

#6 Ill-Prepared killer (80)

#2 Existentialist killer (102)

#8 Plucky journalist killer (5)

#4 Sweeney Todd killer (26)

#1 Bank Clerk killer (59)

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