This is a real live human player.

Attacking a player takes four turns
Level: 32
Kills: 7
Weapon: Chainsaw +2
Turf: Chicago
NullFilePath looks pretty brave
Kill Log

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Alias: NFP
Least Favorite Words:Naive... that's pretty much the only one.
Location:Utah, as of current. And not Mormon.
I believe:I'll have another drink.
Style:Assassination, berserk style, ranged combat, you name it - anything that's not straight forward shin-kicking.
Favorite Move:Dispatch the almighty cowboy pirate zombie penguin, riding a tortoise with a front mounted turret that shoot laser swords that shoot their own laser swords that shoot their own laser swords that explode, with a mine layer on the back, sparklers taped to the side, and the turtle has sharp teeth.

Last Login: 


#8 Green Abobo killer (36)

#6 Eunuch Zombie killer (106)

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