This is a real live zombie player.
grampus is a proud supporter of Brain Chef.

Attacking a player takes four turns
Level: 45
Kills: 126
Weapon: Katana
Clan: Mike and the New Pile Mechanics
Turf: Chicago
grampus looks pretty sneaky
Kill Log

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Least Favorite Words:yet another melonfarmer has killed you with a grenade!
Location:either on the stove, or in the cemetery with less than 42 turns
I believe:1)grenades have become far too important - this is now effectively a pay-to-play game. 2) the predictability of the stove negates most interesting strategy.
Favorite Move:passive-aggressive profile update

Last Login: 


Ninth player to level (27)

Thanks for the bandwidth

Big Bombardier (8)

Seventh player to level (31)

Eighth player to level (35)

Big Bombardier (41)

Fuck Yea Grenade (6)

Eighth player to level (44)

Fifth player to level (45)

#7 Ninja killer (39)

Back to the streets