This is a real live human player.

Attacking a player takes four turns
Level: 35
Kills: 24
Weapon: Cattle Prod
Clan: Multiverse Maniacs
Turf: Multiverse
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I believe:[X] You won! You gained 41 toughness You gained 73 smarts You gained 58 courage You have been attacked by ZombieBruceLee You won! You gained 33 toughness You gained 41 smarts You gained 48 courage You have been attacked by ZombieBruceLee You won! You gained 28 toughness You gained 60 smarts You gained 61 courage You have been attacked by ZombieBruceLee You won! You gained 92 toughness You gained 70 smarts You gained 44 courage You have been attacked by ZombieBruceLee You won! You gained 40 toughness You gained 81 smarts You gained 50 courage You have been attacked by ZombieBruceLee You won! You gained 57 toughness You gained 45 smarts You gained 47 courage You have been attacked by ZombieBruceLee You won! You gained 83 toughness You gained 85 smarts You gained 47 courage You have been attacked by ZombieBruceLee You won! You gained 97 toughness You gained 107 smarts You gained 61 courage You have been attacked by ZombieBruceLee You won! You gained 50 toughness You gained 94 smarts You gained 85 courage You have been attacked by ZombieBruceLee You won! You gained 58 toughness You gained 58 smarts You gained 40 courage You have been attacked by ZombieBruceLee You won! You gained 95 toughness You gained 65 smarts You gained 86 courage You have been attacked by ZombieBruceLee You won! You gained 38 toughness You gained 88 smarts You gained 40 courage

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