This is a real live zombie player.
Rich is a proud supporter of Brain Chef.

Attacking a player takes four turns
Level: 43
Kills: 102
Weapon: Katana
Clan: Mike and the New Pile Mechanics
Turf: Chicago
Kill Log

Back to the streets

Alias: King Richard the Magnificent
Quote:"i am not some weird cougar bitch!"
Least Favorite Words:"How about that Bruce Boxleitner@ I hate his guts!"
Style:Blaming others for my own inabilities at playing an internet browser game.
Favorite Move:"I know three types of karate: jujutsu, aikido, and regular karate."

Last Login: 


Thanks for the bandwidth

Eighth player to level (22)

Big Bombardier (13)

Seventh player to level (24)

Fifth player to level (25)

Fourth player to level (26)

Fifth player to level (27)

Fifth player to level (28)

Hunters Without Borders

Fifth player to level (29)

Eighth player to level (30)

Big Bombardier (30)

Hunters Without Borders

Hunters Without Borders

#3 Ninja killer (46)

Back to the streets