This is a real live human player.
ArthurRiot is a proud supporter of Brain Chef.

Attacking a player takes four turns
Level: 40
Kills: 43
Weapon: Cattle Prod
Clan: Rig R Mortis High School Seniors
Turf: Oakland
Kill Log

Back to the streets

Alias: Never saw the show
Quote:I like my meat rare... you look OVERDONE!
Least Favorite Words:Who is gnawing on your arm@
Location:Location Location
Yes we can:Have a black character@ Awesome! Wait... you mean we can't@ Nick's racist...
Past:Lowly truck driver
Present:Highly Truck Driver
Future:Lowly Truck Driver

Last Login: 


Ninth player to level (15)

Sixth player to level (18)

First player to level (19)

First player to level (20)

First player to level (21)

First player to level (22)

First player to level (23)

First player to level (24)

First player to level (25)

First player to level (26)

Sixth player to level (27)

Thanks for the bandwidth

Fifth player to level (38)

Sixth player to level (39)

Fifth player to level (40)

Bombardier (5)

#6 Plague Zombie killer (42)

#4 Magic Zombie killer (35)

Back to the streets