This is a real live zombie player.
JDoorjam is a proud supporter of Brain Chef.

Attacking a player takes four turns
Level: 35
Kills: 11
Weapon: Hatchet
Clan: Braineaters
Turf: Oakland
Kill Log

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Day Job:Shit, I should be working right now.
Heroes:is slowly going downhill, but still probably the strongest show on NBC.
Least Favorite Words:nukular
I believe:in a thing called BRAAAAIIIIIINS

Last Login: 



Thanks for the bandwidth

#6 Beat Cop killer (24)

#3 Runner killer (117)

#3 Screamer killer (163)

#3 Ill-Prepared killer (117)

#5 Existentialist killer (58)

#1 Band Geek killer (30)

#2 Jock killer (24)

#3 Tiffany killer (39)

#21 ranked digger

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